Beijing XX will add "red eye" high-speed rail

BeijingXXwill addon"redEyes"high-speed rail

yesterday, the national summer and the nationalXXadjustment operation diagram is started at the same time. BeijingXXbureau will be openline512.5trains, the number of EMU trains in operation reaches 60% of all trains in operation. Yesterday, Beijing opened the first high-speed rail to Xiamen, which only took a long time.have13hours. At the same time, in order to facilitate passenger travel, BeijingXXalso opened two extra trips to western Harbin over the weekend."redEyes"high-speed rail.

Beiqing Newspaper from BeijingXXunderstand this.,IITravel"redEyes"high-speed railisG2583times(BeijingSouth2:32on, timesDay9:04to HarbinWest)andG2581times(BeijingSouth1:43on, timesDay8:46to HarbinWest), focusing on weekend operations, operating hours7months4Day9months1day.

According to the staff, normal high-speed trains usually end operations in the middle of the morning, and the lines and trains are maintained and maintained at night. this time, in order to ensure and reduce the pressure on traveling to the northeast in the summer,XXdepartment will adjust the maintenance time and put it into night operation.

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