Summer Tourism Should Grasp Professional Guidance Tencel Cool Machine Market Cultivation

  Summer Tourism Should Grasp the Good DaysGrant"cool."machinemarket cultivation

  2013years, the national summer tourism market has been initially formed, and the economic benefits of summer vacation have;different destination cities have their own unique development paths and models. But on the whole, the development of my country's summer tourism industry is still in the development and cultivation period, which shows that the strategic height of summer tourism is not enough, and it often stays in the tourism sector and seasonal product layer...face;summer tourism in the market to strengthen the destination summer climate advantage, virtually inhibit or even deny the suitability of other seasons tourism,"negative impactshall"regulating pressurelarge;the emergence of the embryonic form of the summer economy, the tourism industry attribute of summer tourism has not been fully"depends on a day to eatrice", realistic performance"climate is an objective advantage, but tourism short boardplate";summer economy has a single industrial structure, summer tourism, summer tourism real estate, tourism transportation and other industries are developed, and extended industries such as summer recuperation and off-season agriculture are developed.;the lack of characteristics of summer tourism products, it is often a simple reorganization of existing routes and products, which can not reflect the professionalism of summer vacation. based on this,2014will"Market Cultivation and Professional IntroductionGuide"is the key word this year.

  2014, the temperature in most parts of the country is close to the same period of the year or higher, and the temperature in southeastern Chongqing, southwestern Hubei, and northern Hunan is on the high side.temperature(35)higher than the same period last year. Studies have shown,2014is strong, with the early arrival of summer, demand ahead.."Family"is the main form of summer tourism. Residents in the choice of summer tourism, to short-distance, long-term combination. At the same time, from the perspective of summer tourism development, the brand influence of summer cities is insufficient, and the development and publicity are not enough.

, local governments, tourism authorities, tourism and related enterprises have realized the market value of summer tourism. Various localities have launched rich and colorful summer activities, tourism enterprises have launched rich and colorful summer routes and products, rich and colorful summer tourism strategies, aviation enterprises have increased their flights, meteorological service departments have carried out targeted meteorological services, and the media have actively promoted and guided them.

XX"Suggestion: 1. summer tourist destination cities should enhance their understanding of the value and importance of tourism climate resources, and grasp the skyGrant"cool."machine, and strive to build summer tourism destination and brand.

2. tourism authorities and enterprises must correctly understand the tourism industry attributes of summer tourism, make scientific and reasonable plans, formulate summer tourism management and service standards, and provide professional guidance. will be national, medium-and long-range,3-5days.,2-3days and summer vacation destinations. Planning several types of summer tourism products and routes is not just a simple reorganization and packaging of existing products. Some cross-regional integrated development of summer tourism routes and products are good choices, such as the Yellow River thousand-li style summer tourism route, black dragon-Jilin(Jingbo Lake, Five DalianPool)lampMountain(ChangbaiMountain)color summer tourist routes, etc. Summer tourism does not meanlook."depends on the skyCollection", the tourism authorities have given more guidance in strengthening the supply of summer tourism industry, improving the quality of summer tourism services and destination safety. The media should cooperate with the promotion and publicity of summer tourism destinations. At the same time, tourism authorities and meteorological departments should strengthen cooperation to provide tourism public meteorological services in a timely and accurate manner, so that tourists can know the choice of summer tourism destinations and the safety risks of destinations. In addition, the current tourism statistics are mainly conducted on a quarterly and monthly basis. It is suggested that summer tourism destinations should conduct tourism statistics by season and month, so as to provide a basis for comprehensively grasping the law of summer tourism market.

3. extend the industrial chain of summer resort and develop the economy of summer resort in a broad sense, the future development should leap forward to a broader connotation, from a single and narrow sense of summer resort tourism to multi-industry linkage development such as health and wellness, recuperation and wellness, festivals and exhibitions. The transformation of the generalized summer economy has formed an industrial chain with summer tourism as the core, integrating resources, back and forth, and high-level, and obtaining overall benefits on the basis of complementary functions.

4. Strengthen infrastructure construction and improve service guarantee capabilities. Especially with the arrival of the summer tourist season, problems such as high prices, bullying and slaughtering customers, and poor service quality will also surface. To strengthen market supervision and tourism law enforcement, improve tourist satisfactiondegrees;Strengthen the safety of the elderly and provide strong guarantees in medical services, food hygiene, and information services. Strengthen tourism public meteorological services and provide accurate meteorological information in a timely manner.

Finally, it is necessary to highlight cultural characteristics, strengthen the brand building of summer cities, and enhance the awareness of the city's summer image. In terms of publicity, it is especially necessary to promote and guide tourists to establish the important relationship between climate and human health. The driving force of climate on tourism is that some mental diseases such as respiratory, cardiovascular or depression can be alleviated or controlled through short-term off-site travel, which is called climate therapy or transfer therapy in foreign countries. Summer is the high incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in the elderly. Therefore, efforts should be made to establish the relationship between cool climate and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases to avoid summer heat, which should be recognized by the market, so that migratory birds, migratory bird real estate and tourism climate economy can be truly formed.

Considering that many tourist cities with excellent and comfortable summer climate want to actively include the research sample, the China Tourism Academy and the Public Meteorological Service Center of the China Meteorological Administration planfrom2015, the system of observer units was launched and the declaration and naming of summer tourism observation points and best summer tourism destinations were considered.

  2014year7months are Harbin, Kunming, Qingdao, Dalian, Guiyang, Yantai, Jilin, Shenyang, Lijiang, Qinhuangdao, Changchun, Chengde, Yanbian, Xining, Taiyuan.8months are Yantai, Dalian, Harbin, Kunming, Jilin, Guiyang, Hohhot, Qingdao, Qinhuangdao, Shenyang, Yanbian, Changchun, Taiyuan, Xining and Yan'an.

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